Community Links Engine Versions Basic Use Advanced Use Tools Advanced Tools Decorations are static objects that can be destroyed by player. Everything here is essentially the same as with enemies. The editor is available at “Decorations Settings” menu in “Entities Settings”. Decoration properties:
Community Links Engine Versions Basic Use Advanced Use Tools Advanced Tools Enemies can be added through “Enemies Settings” menu in “Entities Settings”. The menu is almost the same as for weapons with a few differences: you can add new entries. to do so enter the name of the enemy and either press Return or click […]
Community Links Engine Versions Basic Use Advanced Use Tools Advanced Tools Entities are active objects like enemies and decorations. They are shown at “Entities” tab. You can place them the same way as you place tiles or objects however only one entity or object can be placed in a single cell.
Community Links Engine Versions Basic Use Advanced Use Tools Advanced Tools Easy FPS Editor lets you set up to 8 weapon types. You can do so in “Weapons Settings” option in “Objects Settings” menu. By default there are no weapons. All you have to do to add it is rename one of them: Each weapon […]
Community Links Engine Versions Basic Use Advanced Use Tools Advanced Tools Objects, aside from some of them and modifiers, are basically items player can pickup. Only one object can be placed in a single map cell. This is not the case when using scripts to spawn items though (see “Advanced Use/Scripts”).
Community Links Engine Versions Basic Use Advanced Use Tools Advanced Tools Modifiers are special objects that will change shape of a wall. Default modifiers are pre made and do a little more than just that. For example, Exit lets player finish a map and go to the next one. They are mainly placed on top […]
Map Sounds
Community Links Engine Versions Basic Use Advanced Use Tools Advanced Tools In this section you may adjust specific sounds exclusive for any map. Perfect for situations where your level including a different floor surface or different player character. Everything you see in screenshot is self-explanatory.
Map Editing
Community Links Engine Versions Basic Use Advanced Use Tools Advanced Tools When tiles are added you can start making your map. Doing that is pretty simple. First of all create a new map by selecting “Maps” tab and clicking “Create a new map” button. This will open a prompt where you’ll be able to name […]
Community Links Engine Versions Basic Use Advanced Use Tools Advanced Tools Let’s begin with the most important thing: Tiles. Tiles are the main building blocks of the map. There are two types of tiles: floors and walls. They use different textures (though you can import the same texture under different types). Tiles import is done […]
Community Links Engine Versions Basic Use Advanced Use Tools Advanced Tools Rectangle Fill Hold down Ctrl and drag a rectangle the size you wish to fill with the texture. Saving the project Press Ctrl + S. It will also save all the changes you made to your level.